A Review Of Mocha Fest 2015 Memorial Day Weekend Party At Hedonism II

Nov 12th, 2017

In only it's second year Mocha Fest was a sold out event!! Over 600 sexy people came down to party for this annual Memorial Day Weekend Hedonism II take-over and what an event it was. We expected this year to be bigger and better than the first year but no one expected this. Mocha Fest 2015 brought to Hedonism II, the most intense weekend of partying the resort has ever seen. A lot of people came in on the Wednesday but most people showed up by Thursday and no time was wasted as we jumped right into the talent show and toga foam party. Everyone came out in there togas, and though a lot of people were tired from the flight in, no one wanted to miss anything so the jump-off party was a huge success. We turned it up on Friday with two massive parties. One in the afternoon by the prude beach pool and our soul train party with DJ WHOO KID late at night in the dining room. From there on, the weekend never slowed down with back to back parties and events amounting to more that 8 parties in just 4 vacation days.

Check out video hightlights of Mocha Fest 2015 urban lifestyle event hosted at Hedonism II every memorial day weekend. Visit WWW.MOCHAFEST.COM for more details.

The  Margaritaville exclusive take-over was beyond wild and it's definitely one of the major highlights of the weekend. With the success of this past event, Mocha Fest 2016 is anticipated to be even bigger and we cannot wait to see what's instore. For those of you who are looking for a wild urban adult escape over the Memorial Day Weekend, you will not find a more worthy option that the Mocha Fest party at Hedonism II.

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